Cognizance of Twitter

Most of the companies consider the use of social media as a nuisance or time waster. Like LinkedIn and Facebook, Twitter is another social media tool with strong potential for business ROI.
Twitter is all the more better social medium for IT professionals and other businesspeople.

a) It has got a real business use. Businesspeople use Twitter to talk about professional topics. It not like people are just updating their routine activities, meaningful discourse happens on Twitter mostly every hour of every day.

b) Unlike Facebook or LinkedIn, on Twitter you follow people according to the interesting things they share in their tweets; even people you don’t know at all. Unless and until someone has protected his tweets, you can follow anyone. To spread your word, you need followers on Twitter and can be benefited by just listening others too.

c) Its key benefits are news, unique perspectives and stellar information. It is an excellent environment for following trends, gathering information, gauging buzz and researching topics of interest. Spend a couple of hours to search smart people on Twitter, and you'll likely learn things you might not learn any other way.

d) Twitter can be used for building your personal or company brand, enhancing your business relationships, interacting with customers, doing market research or selling. This powerful one-to-many tool reaches very influential, engaged audience.

e) It gives you an option to “unfollow” someone if you no longer find his tweets beneficial for you, without letting him know about this.

Smart Tweeting: Follow only people you're genuinely interested in.
With a tool like TweetDeck, create multiple groups for people who are generally focused on a specific topic. You can also follow hash tags or Twitter searches to see tweets on specific topics.