Tools for Online Marketing Campaigns

Today everyone prefers different modes and methods to market their brand. Here I have gathered some of the online/internet marketing channels having high success rates like Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click, Email Marketing, Video Marketing, and Mobile Marketing.

a) Social Media
To measure success and calculate the ROI, set certain defined goals at the start up. Social media participation definitely drives targeted/potential visitors to your website. To gauge from social media channels, use certain online analytical tools. You can look towards its potential targets which may include brand awareness, relevant traffic, improvement in trust and confidence among customers, valuable feedbacks, and visibility, to drive sales or to increase leads.
Try to focus on set goals so that you can assess ROI from social media efforts.

b) Search Engine Optimization
With the help SEO, it is easy to increase search rankings at Google, Bing or alike. But it is just half won battle. To target the potential visitors from all the desired locations, focusing on ranking as well calls to examine the metrics of your online/internet marketing campaigns to achieve utmost results.
Try to focus whether search results are targeting yours potential customers or live content address your target audience’s needs.

c) PPC
Amongst online marketing campaigns, PPC generates definite outcomes. Efforts put in PPC campaigns increases conversion rate. For the sake of betterment, you can try two different ad versions for a single ad resulting differently, like one could be cost-effective and other emphasizes on convenience aspect. You can try distinct headlines on your landing page using a tool named Google Optimizer.

d) Email Marketing
Email marketing, like other online marketing channels, has proved its significance. You can integrate emails with social media which is going to be a popular thing in coming years.
To bring email marketing up, try to encourage email subscribers to forward content via mail, and get social with mail and share them via social networks like Facebook, Twitter, StumbleUpon, LinkedIn and other many other social networking sites.

e) Video Marketing
Google is pushing video as a larger component in search results. Online video with proper formats are getting more CTR than ever before. The live videos add value to your business making your website more searchable.Try to include “closed captioning” and “alt tags” in the video formats.

f) Mobile Marketing
Optimize your website to be workable with/for hand-held devices. As on date, mobile devices are not only used for net banking, to purchase commodities, download ring tones, to play games, instead consumers are doing a lot more than this. Now they have started their social media participation via networks like Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, and create additional engagement opportunities and also traffic to the mobile version of your company web site.
Try to keep basic font format, eliminate ads to conserve screen space, take out images unless they are necessary, and also remove Flash, Java or any plug-in content, if not very necessary.

In case you have other online/internet marketing channels that has potential to increase success rates via running their set campaigns, do share.