Marketing of Products through Website using 5 W’s and an H

In today’s technology driven world, one needs to be crystal clear with 5 W’s: Who, What, Where, When, & Why and an H. People make snap decisions everyday - to use products, services, and even software too. The focus should be whether you are giving your potential customers the information they need to make split second decisions about your products/services or not.
- Who is this for? - Communicate clearly who your target market is and try not to be too subtle. The visitor to you website should know if you are talking to them or someone else.
- Who is using it? – Exemplify the target users if possible to make things more clear. People generally follow up things which are pretty tried and tested ones.
- Who created it? – Disclose your real identity, no need to hide behind an isolated corporation. Tell the potential users exactly who you are.
- What is this? – Make it clear whether it’s a website, a mobile app or an iPhone app. Come right out and say what it is. Instead of presenting an idea, communicate exactly what it is.
- What does this do? – Tell the real features of your product or services and spread the real picture giving its benefits to satisfy your potential customers. Say it clearly.
- When is the best time to use it? - Mention certain case scenarios to let the potential customers know when your services could benefit them.
- Why use this at all? – Try to mention the advantages of your product/services in front of the product/services provided by your competitors. This would need a different angle to achieve their faith in you.
- Why is it better than other similar apps? – To help people in making educated decisions, outline the similarities and differences in the services provided by you and your competitors.
- How do I use this? – Lastly, never forget to give detailed description of using your product or service. You can take help of podcasts and videos to give an idea about your product/service and can outline the steps in text as well.

This is the way you can map the theory to practice to increase the success rate.