The hierarchy of Building blocks of a BRAND is as given below:
Brand Awareness: It is typically imperative to first determine category structure in some way before taking into account the strategies to expand breadth via satisfaction level of a consumer or benefits being offered to them.
Brand Performance: It is often necessary to first link primary characteristics and related features before attempting to link additional, more peripheral associations
Brand Imagery: It often begins with fairly concrete initial articulation of user & user imagery (vision) that, over time, leads to broader, more abstract brand associations of personality, value, history, heritage, & experience.
Brand Judgment: Generally it begins with positive quality & credibility perceptions leading to brand consideration & then perhaps assessment of brand superiority.
Brand Feelings: Usually it starts with either observed ones (i.e. warmth, fun, excitement) or innermost ones (i.e., security, social approval, self-respect).
Brand Resonance: Behavioral loyalty is a starting point but attitudinal attachment or a sense of community is almost always needed for active engagement to occur.
In short, these building blocks comprises of fundamental questions consumers seek about brands:
Brand Identity
Brand Meaning
Brand Responses
Brand Relationship
Hence, the true evaluation of the strength of a brand depends on how consumers sense, believe, & proceed with reverence to the brand.