With the advancements going on in social media, developing new connections and building relationships has become quite easier. Let me give you a sneak peek of some of the tools to search efficiently and in a quicker manner.
Electronic Mails
Emails have an impressive aura around being spread everywhere and everyone owes an email address now. It’s an amazing way to connect with someone without giving any break in their ongoing routine lives. You may respond at your own convenience. The primary connection tool is email to connect with your networks and even for making new connects.
Interaction via Instant Messengers
Instant messengers allow talking to your connections in a live manner. You can stay in touch with your friends, family, professional connects and all other people in your circle via messengers at one go only. Their presence is of real importance as on date.
Microblogging via Twitter
All the more new way to connect with your networks is microblogging platforms like Twitter. It allows connecting with like minded people whether you know them personally, professionally or virtually i.e. just via internet. It has changed the way to find people over the web with whom you meet online and share your thoughts. Its features like tweeting, retweeting, direct messaging makes it even more attractive.
Social Networks (i.e. Facebook)
Through Social Networking Websites especially Facebook is an ultimate way to build an online network. You can clearly view the connections of your connects/friends. Private messaging, writing on people’s public wall allows you to keep in touch with them. It has become a true networking monster. You can create fan pages at Facebook to brand your business and bring potential visitors as a good source of traffic towards your website. Via fan pages you can share the recent launches and updates in your business and grow it exponentially.
Like Facebook, social networking sites like MySpace and LinkedIn are also a good way to maintain your social as well as professional connections.
Discussions Boards and Forums
Discussions boards and forums are great way to connect with a group of people who have interest on a specific common topic. You just need to be present at a forum that is related to your niche and you will have huge number of people to share their views over the same. It also gives you an option to send private messages to them in case you feel uncomfortable sharing some particular idea/view with everybody else in that forum. Forums are very effective way to find and connect with people.
To share your views and sentiments via blog commenting is often overlooked networking opportunity. You can share your thoughts in an extremely powerful way which helps in connecting with other bloggers. The blogger generally notices frequent commenters and recognizes their importance for their blog. To start with a new relationship, sharing your insights, thoughts, and view point via blog commenting is another option to have an online network.
Own Blog
Furthermore, you have an option to owe a blog that will help you to connect with people of common interests and you can create your blog network. You should identify and recognize the community leaders of your interests and build relationships with them. You may send them invites to connect with you via your blog where they can share their thoughts and become an active participant of your blog. It’s really wonderful way to have plentiful connects in your network.
Therefore, I can say that online marketing is not just social media, branding, and search engine optimizations. It’s going much beyond these tactics and strategies to become a part of your niche. Connect with people of your interest to grow yourself professionally and personally. You will observe that the opportunities are simply endless.